Today I was reading my daily blog list and Rachelle Gardner had posted about the "Long and Winding Road" of the publishing process. She encouraged her readers to share their writing journeys. As I began to post just a "smidgen" of mine, it occurred to me... I have gained some really fabulous writing friends along the way.
When I began this journey, six or so years ago, I was a lonely newbie in this arena. I was completely clueless as to the process. I tried so hard to find out what info I could about the industry and the craft of writing, but when you don't know what to look for, it's kinda hard to look for it. Make sense? So, I searched and searched for the unknown. I would find author sites and eventually came to the promised land of writer's forums and agent's blogs. I've since learned a lot of very hard lessons. And, was fortunate enough to gain friends who could "feel my pain."
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you all are out there, published, unpublished, aspiring, noted, poets, novelists, and what-not, who are willing to take the time and energy to invest in others. It's a wonderful thing to be there for one another, helping to lift one up when times are difficult, and celebrate personal victories when, some years and years in the making, come to fruition.
I know that not all of you comment all of the time, but, I do know you visit. And, just let me say, "Thank you." My writing life has been so enriched by your input and enthusiasm for this blog (as well as the one I had prior to this one). And, for those of you that have blogs that I follow, writers and agents, thank you for what you do. The information, encouragement, and just plain forthrightness has been priceless.
When I began this journey, six or so years ago, I was a lonely newbie in this arena. I was completely clueless as to the process. I tried so hard to find out what info I could about the industry and the craft of writing, but when you don't know what to look for, it's kinda hard to look for it. Make sense? So, I searched and searched for the unknown. I would find author sites and eventually came to the promised land of writer's forums and agent's blogs. I've since learned a lot of very hard lessons. And, was fortunate enough to gain friends who could "feel my pain."
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you all are out there, published, unpublished, aspiring, noted, poets, novelists, and what-not, who are willing to take the time and energy to invest in others. It's a wonderful thing to be there for one another, helping to lift one up when times are difficult, and celebrate personal victories when, some years and years in the making, come to fruition.
I know that not all of you comment all of the time, but, I do know you visit. And, just let me say, "Thank you." My writing life has been so enriched by your input and enthusiasm for this blog (as well as the one I had prior to this one). And, for those of you that have blogs that I follow, writers and agents, thank you for what you do. The information, encouragement, and just plain forthrightness has been priceless.
Shoe Mood:
Baring my "sole." Tee! Hee!
Good for you, coming so far in only 6 years!
Captain - Thanks, but I have yet to really get anywhere. However, what I do know is this, the long journey is easier with good company. Thanks for being a part of that company. ;-)
Keep on trucking errr, writing! I too, have found the writing community inspiring and am thankful for the cyber-friends I've made.
Oh I agree--one of the best parts of this journey is that I'm not alone. I'm so lucky to havemet so many fabulous people. I think writers are just the best dang people in the world, and I've never met a group more supportive and giving.
Hugs all around!
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