I don't know if other writers and readers are feeling like me or not...a little queasy about the economy and the projected path that our country may be headed for. When I took my girls up to the library the other day for our regular visit, I checked out two books (as usual). One that is a serious, dark classical piece of work and one that is a light hearted and sassy romp through superficial terrain. After attempting to "get into" the jazzy, breezy story of the witty girl trying to land the cute, single, straight, rich guy, all while in her 4" stilettos, I'm finding that I'm not so interested in the light hearted and sassy chick-lit right now. I'm drawn to the more serious literature. Today, I feel like these funny little beach-day books were from another time, when a big problem would be whether or not Gucci was having a trunk sale on the day I had scheduled botox.* Bummer! I just couldn't do it! It just seemed so, out of touch...for now, that is.
So, I've set aside the frivolous frolick and have opted for John Steinbeck. Good lord! What is happening to me?!
Now, if you were to ask me if I've quit buying shoes during all of this, I'd have to say, no. I've bought two more pair and a pair of designer sunglasses to go with them. (All on sale, of course!) Actually, the drive to shop and eat mass quantities of chocolate has, unfortunately, been on the increase. So, shopping habits still intact, it's only been my reading that has taken a serious turn. Maybe by the time I'm finished with "East of Eden" I'll be sooooo ready for some "funtabulous" chick-lit, while wearing designer shades and strappy wedges.
Do you find that your reading habits right now are reflecting what's going on around you? When times seem difficult, do you read the heavy stuff or do you need the reprive you get from characters with shopping addictions and colorful martinis? I was shocked! I thought for sure I would want the light stuff, but I went full-blown "lumbering soul, but trying to fly," as Mr. Steinback would say. Geesh! Well, it could have been "Grapes of Wrath!" But, that's for an even darker day.
* Disclaimer - I've NEVER had botox injections. Not yet, anyway.
Shoe Mood:
A little dark. A little mournful.
But, still having a sense of humor about it all!
Yes, I feel that way too. I was a little disheartened on the blueboard the other day when someone said they got a rejection letter from an editor who really LOVED the book, but due to the economy, they couldn't publish it. If that doesn't hit us all where it hurts, then nothing will.
I'm actually reading some political books right now, which if anything, is helping me learn more about what's going on. But what I'm really craving is to write. I just can't seem to get there.
Rena - I know and I hear ya! I was planning on picking up a few political ones as well, when I go back to the library. (I can be a bit of a politics junkie at times.) I'm trying very hard not to get discouraged. But, so much is transpiring and the publishing industry seems to be suffering quite a bit. I just can't seem to get my bearings at the moment. Hopefully, soon. XOXO
Ya, the economy has been mentioned in two of my rejections this week.
It's depressing and harder than ever to keep my fingers crossed that 2009 might be the year!
But you know what? All we can do is keep writing and keep submitting!
Oh, Steph! I'm so sorry. Yes, all we can do is stick-to-it, and persevere. It's a hard knock life for most of us as writers. And, now to have the economy throwing a major curve ball into the mix just adds to the frustration of it all. I'm wishing you the best, sweetie! MUAH!!
This economy is so disheartening! I think I am an escapist, I'm on New Moon by Stephenie Meyer.
CJ, If you need a bit of humor after East of Eden, don't forget Cannery Row. Steinbeck is a favorite of mine.
As for the economy, what goes down, must come up. And I think historically (though I'm not sure on this so don't quote me) that in bad times, children's lit is one of the areas that remains strong. Like movies too...In bad times people need the ability to escape for a while.
And what am I reading? Whatever strikes my fancy. If I took to reading just serious stuff during serious times I think I'd be depressed. After living through the strange and turbulant '60s (war, riots, assassinations etc.) I guess I learned to take some things in stride.
All things must pass.
I wonder if editors will begin to cite the economy as an easy out? They may very well love some books they can't publish due to the economy, but I also wonder if it may become a gentle way of saying no. Then again, it's also my understanding that children's lit doesn't suffer in a downturn the way some things do. As for my reading matter, I don't think it changes with what's going on. I think we just need to keep working. The economy will recover, so we need to position ourselves to catch the next upswing.
I guess I'm just the opposite. If I feel kind of down and gloomy, then I'll be picking up the fun brainless reading.
I guess that's why I love having a stack of books by my bedside depending on my mood.
Kelly - I've heard of that book, but I've not read it. Let me know if you like it.
Bish - Thanks for the remind! I'll have to check it out when I'm through with E of E.
Everything is a cycle. Life, itself, is a cycle. So shall this be. Here's to hoping for a quick rinse.
Marcia - I was wondering the same thing. It was so funny to see that you had asked that question. I certainly hope that the "economy" doesn't end up becoming a scape goat for rejection.
Christina - I'm the same way. I have books stacked EVERYWHERE. Sometimes it has caused me to have reader's ADD. I'll be in the middle of one novel, then, "Ooohhhh, I forgot about that one..." And so on and so on. I just love books!
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